Church Service
The following are our current church services
Mondays to Fridays: 7Pm to 8 PM
Reach one to reach all, till they all shall be one-fold under one shepherd. John 10:16.
The Unity of the God-head and the Trinity of the persons therein. Genesis 1:1; Matt 3:16-17; 1 John 5:7
Wednesdays: 7 PM to 8 Pm
Bible study. This is a time of group Bible studies. We also encourage private personal Bible studies.
Sundays: 11am to 1 Pm
Worship Service. Featuring: Anointed Praise and Worship; Interactive Fellowship; Inspiring and Challenging Sermons and Teachings; Opportunity to make or renew commitments with the Lord Jesus Christ; Prayers for various needs.
Bible Studies
There is always something new to learn in the word of God for our Almighty God has depths yet to be known my man.
Our bible studies are every Wednesday @7:00 pm CST via zoom and everyone is always welcome to come and learn the word of God from the comfort of your home.
For more information on this, please do not hesitate to contact us. Go to our contact us section of this site or use the blue and white chat icon at the bottom left.
Annual Women’s Convention
Women of The Apostolic Church matching onto victory into the church hall during their national women’s convention.
Our women form an integral part of the church. A strong backbone which the entire church can’t neglect.